What Colors Go Well With Copper Sinks?

Copper sinks are a trend these days. It is a must have in every kitchen that will undergo renovation or is in the construction process, replacing old steel sinks.

There are many reasons why many people are changing their sinks but it is more likely because of the change in their style preference or they would just want to personalize their kitchen. I mean, who wouldn't want a better looking space to make home cooked meals?

So, if you are one of those who would want to upgrade to copper sink, here are a few color palettes that would go well with it and suit your kitchen style.

If you are living alone and are more into “the minimalist" style, this four-color palette is right for you.


Navy blue, Gray, Dark orange and Beige. Simple, elegant and not over-used colors in the kitchen. Perfect for the introvert in you, not showy nor grand just rightfully and beautifully easy on the eyes.

This second palette shows a lighter and more welcoming mood in the kitchen. However, since it’s a common combination, the appreciation of the palette comes down to which color you prefer to highlight.

Dark brown, White, Dark orange, Yellow orange, Off-white, and  Apple green. A palette very suitable with copper sinks and large family kitchens with an airy feel.

A nature lover would like this palette more than others. Representing the mountains, the fog in the mountain, shades of swamp color and the likes.


Dark brown, Copper, Gray, Dusty Blue and Dark Gray. Also palette-perfect for bachelors who love cooking.

Women love their kitchen to give off a light feeling and want it presentable to look at in front of her family members and visitors. However, too much vibrant colors give the trying hard title to the kitchen and one colored to two colored  kitchens are boring to look at and with that here's a suggested palette for all family women out there.

Lavender or baby pink , Copper, Lilac or purple, Off-white, and Orange. The more jewel toned shades you find with these colors the better since this color combination would look great at kitchens with glass or marble designed furniture.

Independent? A woman living alone? Or do you just like a sassy or chic style kitchen. Here's a beautiful palette that you would surely love:

Brown, beige or pastel pink, White, Pastel green, Pastel Blue. Add a little touch of nature by using flowers in your kitchen and see how he colors perfectly match your copper sink.

There are many more colors that you can play around but the color combination for your copper sink and copper sink décor will provide an aesthetic improvement regardless of your choice.